liposuction near california maryland

What if you could combine the effective results of liposuction with minimally invasive techniques? With SmartLipo, it’s possible. Here’s everything you need to know about this advanced laser-assisted liposuction near California, Maryland, and how much it costs!

What Is Laser-Assisted Liposuction?

Liposuction, or simply lipo, achieved with SmartLipo is a minimally invasive, laser-assisted lipolysis procedure used for both facial and body contouring. It uses laser energy to heat up temperature-sensitive fat cells and quite literally melt away fat. That fat is then suctioned out afterward.

All that is required with SmartLipo is a small incision for the cannula to be inserted. The cannula allows for the laser to be introduced and moved in a back-and-forth motion. It disrupts the fat cells and breaks them down at a fast rate, allowing for them to be promptly removed.

Additionally, with the use of a laser, it promotes blood and tissue coagulation for less bleeding and trauma and improved skin tightening. SmartLipo has minimal side effects and lower risks, and it also requires less downtime compared to traditional liposuction.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Liposuction?

Although liposuction is more forgiving in its requirements than non-surgical fat reduction, that doesn’t mean everyone is a suitable candidate. To be considered for this remarkable treatment, the patient should be a healthy non-smoker over the age of 18 within 30% of their ideal body weight.

Is Laser-Assisted Liposuction Safe?

The safety of liposuction, like all cosmetic and medical procedures, is determined by the surgeon you visit. Because SmartLipo aims to be less invasive, it does reduce the risks associated with traditional liposuction. That being said, you still need to take precautions.

Take the time to research your surgeon who will be performing SmartLipo and ensure that they are reputable, board-certified, and experienced in this procedure. Most incidents of bad or dangerous liposuction are a result of poorly trained or sketchy surgeons.

How Much Does Laser-Assisted Liposuction Cost?

The cost of laser-assisted lipo depends on many different factors, however, you can expect an average range of $2,500 to $5,000. This is just for the procedure itself, not any additional fees that are associated with liposuction.

Being quoted a price in the $1,000s can be pretty intimidating at first and may even discourage you from the procedure, but it really shouldn’t. Investing in your mental wellness and confidence as well as honoring the hard work you’ve put into your body will always be worth it.

The fat reduction achieved via SmartLipo is permanent. Yes, permanent! Fat cells cannot return once they’ve been destroyed and disposed of. This procedure guarantees you lifetime fat reduction that typically only requires the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

Additionally, many surgeons offer financing plans with companies like CareCredit to take this intimidating overall cost and break it down into easy monthly payments that better suit your budget. So, be sure to open up that discussion about financing plans during your consultation with your surgeon.

Bottom line: Laser-assisted liposuction isn’t cheap. In fact, it may be more expensive than traditional lipo in some cases. This doesn’t mean you should opt-out and choose another body contouring procedure in which you aren’t confident.

Liposuction gives you the opportunity to reclaim your body and how it looks, and you can’t exactly put a price tag on that or the wonders it will do for your self-esteem.

What Additional Fees Should I Expect?

More often than not, you’ll be paying for more than just the liposuction itself. There are a bunch of ins and outs when it comes to these procedures, which means you’ll need to prepare for additional expenses.

First: the anesthesia. Laser-assisted liposuction is performed in three different ways: awake with local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia. What you receive is determined by you and your surgeon. Regardless, anesthesia fees are not uncommon.

Also, a surgeon’s fee may be part of your total cost. You’re paying for your surgeon’s time, effort, and skills just as much as the procedure itself. It’s not worth it to skimp out and opt for a cheaper but lower-quality surgeon who just can’t guarantee a safe, successful outcome.

Recovery expenses can include post-op garments and medications. SmartLipo doesn’t require a whole lot of downtime, but proper aftercare and the right recovery steps ensure that you receive the absolute best result possible. These items are not included in the price given by your surgeon, as you’re responsible for purchasing them separately.

Finally, the extent of the procedure itself affects how much you pay for this revolutionary treatment. Many patients only need one SmartLipo treatment to see their ideal results, though you may need more. Additionally, the more areas you have treated, the higher your overall cost will be.

Learn More About Laser-Assisted Liposuction Near California, Maryland, and the Costs By Calling Mid-Atlantic Skin Surgery Institute!

Our providers are proud to offer SmartLipo for advanced liposuction near California, and Maryland! This exciting technology removes more fat and yields faster results yet requires a shorter recovery period.

We are committed to delivering the best care experience to our patients, developing personalized treatment plans based on your needs, aesthetic goals, and even budget. And, we even offer CareCredit, so you can have an affordable payment plan instead of paying all at once!

Still not sure if laser-assisted liposuction is right for you? No worries! Give us a call today at 301-396-3401 or schedule online to book your comprehensive consultation and see if SmartLipo is right for you as well as receive a personalized quote.

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