The truth is, sometimes we don’t show our skin the love it deserves.
Radiant, supple skin is the most obvious symbol of youth, and yet we never fully appreciate that until we see the signs of aging. One way of restoring a youthful look is, of course, getting a facelift–a procedure that’s becoming more and more common.
But as with all other aspects of medicine, the best cure is prevention, and, when possible, a less invasive procedure should be used.
Follow this guide to learn how to take care of your skin and avoid that facelift: you might be surprised by how simple these recommendations are, and what matters the most in keeping skin healthy.
And when you naturally age, as we all do, learn what softer procedures can give you the most bang for your buck.
Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen!
It’s so easy to do, but so few people do it. Sunscreen will do more than almost anything else to prevent your skin from aging. UV Rays are constantly damaging our skin–yes, even on cloudy days. It’s particularly important if you have fairer skin to apply it liberally.
Most people are surprised that sunscreen is the closest thing we have to an elixir of youth. But it’s always true that slowing down time is simpler than turning back the clock. The problem is that sometimes we have a hard time planning for the future. Keep to it and make it a habit.
If your skin does get damaged, then the most natural way to rejuvenate it is to stimulate collagen production. Topical products can achieve this, and many non-invasive (and easy) cosmetic treatments can powerfully stimulate collagen production. Consider these before anything else.
Staying Healthy in General
Taking care of your general health is the second-best thing you can do to keep your skin youthful, and, besides that, the most important thing you can do overall.
But two methods of self-care stand out when it comes to skin health: don’t smoke and maintain a healthy weight!
Smoking builds up free radicals in the body which break collagen and elastin down.
Meanwhile, not having a large shift in weight maintains volume and fat in the face.
Try Fillers First
Before considering a facelift, consider trying out a simpler and less invasive procedure like fillers.
Injectables are just about the easiest cosmetic treatment there is, and give an incredible amount of value for being so accessible.
They can achieve results that are just as salient as facelifts and can last months to years. Not only that, but they’re perfect for skittish patients because many injectables are completely reversible procedures.
Want to keep your skin looking healthy, or see the easiest ways to turn back the clock? Visit Mid-Atlantic Skin today.