liposuction recovery

Did you know liposuction is the second most popular cosmetic surgery? It aids in slimming and contouring specific body areas. However, many individuals tend to have unrealistic expectations about its results and recovery. Keep scrolling to learn more about what to expect during liposuction recovery.

First Things First

No more is more important than taking the treatment and consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. An initial consultation will help you understand the ideal results and the recovery process. 

Another essential point to understand here is that results and recovery may vary for everyone based on age, health conditions, and cosmetic goals. With this in mind, let’s understand what to expect from the procedure.


The treatment is usually done in a clinic setup, and you can go home the same day. However, if you intend to remove a significant amount of fat, you may need to stay in the hospital overnight for observation. 

Whenever you go home, you will need someone to drive you home. You may have the residual effect of anesthesia and have residual effects.

The first week

You may need to use elastic bandages or a compression garment to wrap around the treated area. You need to wear them diligently to get the optimal results.

The expert may suggest drains in the treated areas. This will prevent fluid collection around incisions, which can delay healing. 

During the first few days, you may notice moderate soreness and pain. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to manage discomfort. 

It’s best to limit your activity during this period.

Weeks 1-2

You’ll notice a significant decrease in pain and soreness. Following the procedure, most individuals can get back to regular activity in a week or two. 

However, you may need additional time off work if you have a particularly demanding or physical job.

You may need to wear a compression garment.

Weeks 3-5

All the side effects, such as pain and bruise, subside, and you’ll be able to see better results.

In about four weeks, you may be able to resume light exercise. However, any strenuous activity should still be avoided.

Week 6 and beyond

After six weeks, you’ll no longer need to wear compression garments and resume all activity unless the doctor advises. 

Want to get the best liposuction recovery time in Lexington Park, Maryland? Mid-Atlantic Skin operates under the direction of George K. Verghese, MD, one of the nation’s premier dermatologists. Along with his dedicated and professional team, Dr. Verghese provides excellent, comprehensive skincare.

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