Best Dermatologist Waldorf
To ensure that you receive professional, attentive, and customized treatment, it’s very important to locate the best dermatologist in Waldorf, MD.
When you’re looking for help with acne, rosacea, anti-aging treatments, or any other skincare concern, you want the highest quality of care, right? But not all providers offering dermatology services have the appropriate qualifications, experience, or intentions.
Here are 5 guidelines that you should consider when looking for the best dermatologist in Waldorf, MD.
1. Excellent Credentials
First and foremost, it’s important that patients properly research dermatologists before selecting a provider. This means checking their education, training, years of experience, and board-certification by the American Board of Dermatology.
It’s worth noting that just because a physician has a medical degree, it doesn’t mean that he or she has credentials in the field of dermatology.
In fact, many providers that call themselves dermatologists may actually be internists, general practitioners, or other non-core providers.
Not only is Dr. George Verghese board certified in dermatology, he is also an Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Howard University College of Medicine.
2. Thorough Appointments
When you’re looking for the best dermatologist in Waldorf, MD, you want a provider that is completely focused on you and your concerns. Not someone who is rushing to move on to his or her next appointment, talks over you, or dismisses what you have to say.
A truly caring dermatologist should value you as a patient, work to fully understand your goals, and find viable treatment options that best meet your needs.
3. Informative Solutions, Without Pushing Unwanted Treatments or Services
Visiting your dermatologist’s office should be a positive and informative experience that seeks to help you with issues that you’d like to address.
It should not feel like a sales pitch, where you are being pressured into unnecessary products or services.
4. Available Samples to Preview Products and Prescriptions
One of the factors to consider as you seek the best dermatologist in Waldorf, MD is the office’s sampling policy. Do they offer plenty of products to help you find the best match and avoid unnecessary prescription costs?
In the event that you don’t see a sample of what you’d like to try, always ask. There may be additional products in the back or a way to obtain a sample from the brand rep.
5. After-Hours Attention
If you experience an adverse effect following a procedure or after using a new medication, you should be able to get in touch with your dermatologist or someone at their office even if it’s after 5pm.
Ideally, your dermatologist will have an answering service or an emergency contact number where he or she can be reached and return your call in a timely fashion.
If you are looking for the best dermatologist in Waldorf, MD, please contact Mid-Atlantic Skin today. We will be happy to schedule a consultation with one of our highly-skilled and talented dermatologists, who will work with you to address your concerns and reach your goals.