
Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgeries performed in the US, and it continues to be on the rise. New techniques such as Smartlipo are a less invasive way to get the same results. When it comes to Smartlipo, what should you expect during recovery and afterward? Are the results worth it? Here’s the need-to-know on getting the best liposuction results in California, and Maryland!

What Should I Expect During Liposuction Recovery?

Long-term liposuction recovery lasts around three months, so be sure to be patient. You won’t see the exact results you’d like straight after your procedure. This is completely normal and nothing to be worried about or disappointed by. In fact, the treatment area may appear larger. This is due to swelling and fluid retention, a natural part of healing.

Liposuction recovery typically occurs in stages. Right after surgery, you’ll spend at least a few hours in a recovery room as your medical team monitors your recovery. Anesthesia should still be in your system during these hours, helping to manage discomfort. Your doctor will also use a compression garment on treated areas.

A few hours after surgery, the anesthesia wears off. You can expect mild discomfort that’s easily managed. If you’re experiencing extreme pain or discomfort, alert your surgeon immediately. Many patients are recommended to stay overnight, but that’s not always the case.

More often than not, you’ll return home a day later, if you happen to stay overnight. Within your first week of recovery, you’ll continue to wear your compression garments, typically for three to five days. Your surgeon will remove them around that time and check your wounds to ensure they’re healing.
Liposuction recovery is typically easygoing, only requiring you to take it easy that first week. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications and care instructions for easy, speedy healing. You should be comfortable enough to return to work after a few days.

What About Smartlipo Recovery?

Great news! It’s much easier to recover from this minimally invasive lipo technique. You may be back to normal in as little as two days, though it could take up to a week or more. Be sure to follow up with your provider after about two or three weeks to ensure you’re healing properly.

Smartlipo is done under only local anesthesia, so you won’t have to wait after your procedure, nor stay overnight.

What Should I Expect After Liposuction and Smartlipo? What Will My Results Be Like?

You’ve made it through the first week. Congrats! Now it’s time to discuss the after.

After the first week, patients are recommended to do a gentle massage on the treatment area to move around accumulated fluid and smooth the area. You’ll still be recommended to take it easy for a while as swelling decreases and your body heals.

Many providers recommend continuous use of a compression garment for four to six weeks. This speeds up the recovery process and reduces swelling, bruising, and discomfort.

Speaking of swelling, the majority of it should decrease by week six, but it may take up to three months for healing to be complete and swelling to be entirely gone.

Once the swelling subsides, even if not entirely, you’ll be able to enjoy your post-treatment results! The treated area will look less bulky and leaner with defined contours. Better yet, results are long-lasting as long as you maintain your weight.

Expect to feel lighter and more confident after both lipo techniques. They both provide patients an opportunity to remove stubborn fat and improve their appearance, helping to either reach fitness goals or take control of their health, or both!

Is There Anything I Can Do for the Best Smartlipo Results Possible?

You will be given care instructions from your surgeon to ensure proper healing. While your body will heal at its natural pace, there are several ways to make recovery easier and potentially quicker.

Follow all instructions on your post-op care sheet. Remain consistent with wound care to prevent infection. Ice the areas after bandage removal to minimize discomfort, bruising, and swelling. And, of course, take it easy.

That being said, take it easy but not too easy. You want to keep your blood flowing and maintain some level of activity. Begin with walking around within a few hours, and gradually increase from there. Light exercise, such as walking, is recommended until you’re told otherwise.

Alongside resting and relaxing, consider a lymphatic massage! A week after Smartlipo or lipo, it’s recommended that you gently massage the treatment area to promote fluid movement. This smooths out the area and helps greatly with swelling.

Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated is not only crucial for maintaining your lipo or Smartlipo results but for a speedier healing process as well. A healthy lifestyle lends itself to easy, fast, and drama-free recovery, which is incredibly important after surgery.

If you experience extreme pain, signs of infection, or anything else that seems unusual, don’t wait and contact your surgeon as soon as possible. Catching a problem as soon as it occurs is key to preventing further complications.

For the Best Liposuction Results in California, Maryland, Visit Mid-Atlantic Skin Surgery Institute Today!

Our team here at Mid-Atlantic Skin Surgery Institute provides all the resources necessary for the best liposuction results in California, Maryland! With the state-of-the-art Smartlipo, also known as laser liposuction, our fat-reduction procedure is less painful and more effective than traditional lipo!

We take pride in our advanced techniques and expertise that are unable to be found elsewhere, setting up our patients for success and an easy, even enjoyable, recovery no matter which procedure you’re interested in.
Contact us at 240-237-8268 to easily book your Smartlipo appointment or learn more about our extensive patient resources! We promise you a streamlined, patient-first experience for ease of mind and stellar results.

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