skin cancer spread

Being diagnosed with skin cancer can be scary and overwhelming. But, just how worried do you have to be about your skin cancer? Some types of cancer can spread (or metastasize) and impact other parts of your body. So, does skin cancer spread?

The Answer to Your Question, “Does Skin Cancer Spread,” Is No, Not All Do

While most types of skin cancers do not spread, there are a few types that do. Your cancer specialist should be able to biopsy your cancer and tell you what kind it is. This will also show you if your skin cancer is a type that spreads.

Basal cell cancers and squamous cell cancers do not usually spread, and these are the most common forms of skin cancers. They can usually be easily treated with removal. While these cancers do not metastasize, they can grow and impact the body in other ways. 

Melanoma and Merkel cell carcinoma are two types of skin cancer that can spread. Melanoma is usually thought of as the most dangerous form of skin cancer due to this. This type of cancer looks like a dark, often irregular spot on the skin. Merkel skin cancer is rare and aggressive. It typically presents as one lump on the skin that’s been exposed to the sun and is painless.

Can You Stop Cancer From Spreading?

While there are some cancers that are difficult to stop, there are certain measures that can be taken to prevent them as much as possible. Early detection is always the first priority when it comes to preventing the spread. If melanoma begins to spread, a specialist can find and target the cells. 

Learn More About Skin Cancer From a Skin Cancer Specialist in Southern Maryland

If you are in need of diagnosis or treatment for skin cancer, Mid-Atlantic Skin Surgery Institute is here to help you. Our goal is to make sure that every patient who comes to us gets amazing care when they ask questions like “Does skin cancer spread?” To make an appointment with us, contact us at 301-396-3401 today.

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