Smartlipo in Waldorf, MD

Mid-Atlantic Skin offers Smartlipo in Waldorf, MD with our highly trained medical professionals.

Are you frustrated with areas of fat around your waist, thighs or hips that just won’t go away with diet and exercise?

If you’ve ever considered fat reduction treatments, you’ve probably debated going through liposuction versus undergoing a much less invasive procedure. In general, it seems to be a battle of efficacy vs. non-invasiveness.

But what if you could have both?

Take the first step to reshaping your look with Smartlipo Triplex.

Smartlipo allows you to remove the fat you don’t want with minimal downtime and less pain than traditional liposuction.

Smartlipo combines the benefits of less invasive procedures with the effectiveness of liposuction, resulting in a radical new treatment.

Smartlipo delivers energy underneath the skin, so not only do you melt fat, but also tighten skin to achieve the shape you desire.

How Does It Work?

Smartlipo can also be referred to as laser liposuction. A small incision is made on the patient, allowing a Smartlipo access to deliver energy to fat cells and kill the fat.

This is the same principle used in noninvasive treatments that utilize heat or cold to kill fat. The only difference is that it’s being applied via a laser through a thin tube, and that the fat is being suctioned afterward.

The heat also causes the tissue around the fat removed to tighten up. Overall, Smartlipo combines the fast and effective results of liposuction with non-invasiveness. But what exactly does that mean?

Smartlipo is designed exclusively to perform laser-assisted lipolysis. The laser literally melts fat, which is removed with gentle suction.

At the same time, tissue coagulates through laser energy that is delivered, contributing to an overall smoother shape.

What Results Can I Expect with Smartlipo?

For most people, results are achieved in just one treatment. Results can be seen within a week, with continued improvement over three-to-six months.

Treatment plans can be adjusted to fit everyone’s lifestyle–ask us regarding downtime, comfort and results.


Smartlipo Removes More Fat and You Recover Faster

The amazing thing about Smartlipo is just how much fat it removes. It removes comparable amounts of fat to traditional liposuction, whereas traditional noninvasive fat reduction procedures cap out at 30% removal of localized fat.

The best part? A fast recovery time. A day or two after Smartlipo can see you returning to normal activities — something that’s simply not true with traditional liposuction. Results will be seen fast, within the week, but improvement will continue for up to six months. That’s because the melted fat is still leaving the body through the lymphatic system.

Overall, Smartlipo offers three huge advantages: fat reduction on the level of liposuction, a tissue tightening effect, and short recovery times comparable to completely noninvasive procedures.

Want to know more? Call Mid-Atlantic Skin today to schedule your Smartlipo appointment.

Photo courtesy of S. Youmans, MD